Academic Automotive

A day at the track with the Sotos and JMS Racing

On October of 2011 I made it out to San Antonio Raceway with JMS Racing to watch them compete in the DSM shootout.  The day was long and a roller coaster of an event as their cars competed.  They ran great times, but were unable to beat their personal bests (however, just this past weekend they did beat their past best times), as the day came to a close everyone was tired and hungry.  The whole day a gentlemen, who I had just met for the first time, was there helping out.  I asked who he was and one of the JMS’s guys said he was Mr. Soto.  They said that his kids were customers and he just liked helping out.  So there we were everyone tired and next thing I know there is Mr. Soto in the back of his truck pulling out pots of food and he starts a little meal line on his tail gate and is feeding everyone.  I was so impressed, it made me warm inside to see someone care that much and to think about such details, it reminded me of how Corina, my wife and I will often just whip up a meal for guests when they are hungry.  So without even thinking, I grabbed my audio recorder and had my wife ask Mr. Soto if I could interview him.  Now I should back track for just a second, because I should mention that most of the day the JMS Racing crew and Mr. Soto were speaking Spanish and spanglish, for which I can sort of understand, but I am not a Spanish speaker.  However, my wife is and so with that cultural information, I asked Corina to ask Mr. Soto in Spanish for an interview.  The following interview is what occurred (NOTE:  the first half is in Spanish and the second half English):